Friday, May 31, 2019
The Theme of Death in War in The Rich Dead and Dulce et Decorum Est Ess
The Theme of Death in War in The plenteous Dead and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wildred Owen and Rupert Brookes The Rich DeadIt seems that war in society is inevitable - for long as it has beenhistorically documented, war has always been present. Although thetactics by which wars adjudge been fought and won have developedthroughout the ages, the outcome has always remained the same - withthe untimely deaths of many men. It is this idea of war that hasprovoked intense controversy, with many people believing it solelyresults with death and destruction, whilst others regard it as aglorious enterprise and an altogether heroic adventure. During theFirst World War, poets depicted these diverse aspects of war, with theopposing attitudes clearly recognise in the employment of Wilfred Owen andRupert Brooke. Owens anthology of war poetry is characterised by hisvivid and graphic detail concerning war and all its brutalconsequences. He also revolts against pro-war propagandists, not wholedenoun cing their beliefs but also by the way they brainwashed naveyoung boys into believing it was honourable to die for your country. one and only(a) such advocate of this idea was Rupert Brooke, his workrecognisable by a profound sense of patriotism. He wrote to depict thecourage and excitement of war rather than the harsh realities staringthem in the face, by means to entice young men into enrolling in thearmy. This is exactly what Owen was objecting to.I have chosen to study in depth the poems-Dulce Et Decorum Est byWilfred Owen-an ironically titled poem portraying the wastefulfutility of young lives lost at war and The Rich Dead by RupertBrooke-a poem honouring the death of a war hero. I feel that bothpoems effectively r... ...he poem. Owen strives to provide a more realistic image of thewholly unavoidable human suffering that war bring ins. I moot thefollowing line from the song The Green Fields of France reflectsthis image accurately when the writer describes his feelings whiles tanding in a World War One graveyardTo a mans blind indifference to his fellow man,To a whole generation who were butchered and damnedRupert Brookes work on the other hand is aiming to paint a prettypicture of the harsh realities of war. Although in theory the romanticprinciples presented by Brooke may seem attractive, to apply them toreal life is nave and idealistic. War might bring glory on a widerscale, but to claim that a soldiers needless death in appallingconditions is honourable is simply untrue. War may substantially be inevitablebut it is senseless and can never be justified.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant Faiths Essay
Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant Faiths The Mormon religion is very unique in many of its article of faith. go technically a Protestant faith, the Mormons generally share more doctrine with the Catholics. Because of its unique nature, I will be analyzing the Mormon faith, its history, organization, and doctrine, in comparison with the beliefs held by both Catholics and Protestants.EstablishmentOn April 6, 1980, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the Mormon Church) was founded. It is interesting to none that according to Mormon doctrine ( philosophical system and Covenants 201), April 6 is the birthday of Jesus Christ. 10 years prior to this event, in 1820, fourteen-year-old Joseph Smith knelt in a quiet grove in upper New York order and prayed for guidance in choosing a church to join. According to LDS historical records, his prayer was answered by the visitation of two heavenly personages. One, the Heavenly Father, spoke to him a nd said, pointing to the other, This is my Beloved Son. render Him This second personage, Christ, told Smith that he should join no existing church, that the true church he had established upon the Earth had become corrupted and fallen out-of-door from the truth over the passing years. Smith was instructed that he was to aid in the restoration of the pure gospel of Jesus Christ in these latter days. Mormons rate this divine visitation and the restoration of Christs church to be the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Apostle Peter when he said, He shall send Jesus Christ. . .whom the heaven must begin until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. (Acts 320-21).... ...rious sins such as murder, adultery, lying, and who do not repent in mortality. There is a fourth place where souls can go after death Outer Darkness. This place is only those who deny the sacred Ghost, have a perfect testim ony of the Gospel and willfully deny it. The Mormon view of afterlife is discussed at great length in Doctrine and Covenants chapter 76. These are just a few of the beliefs of the Mormon faith. Evidenced by the discussion of these is the fact that while Mormonism is technically a Protestant faith, it shares many imperious points with both Protestants and Catholics. Beyond its shared theology, Mormonism has several very unique teachings, ones generally not expounded by any other Christian faith. Perhaps it is these novel pieces of doctrine that appeal to people and have made Mormonism the fastest growing faith in the world today.
Cars :: essays research papers fc
Works Cited McBride, Gordon. Automobile Manufacturing. Career Information Center. 2 vols. New York MacMillan Library Reference USA, 1996 p. 98-100 Tardiff, Joseph, ed. Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment. US manufacturing Profiles. New York Gale Research, 1998 p. 394-401 Broughty, James. Careers in Transport. Chicago The Institute for Research, 1999 Womack, James P., Jones, Daniel T., and Roos, Daniel. The Machine that Changed the World. New York MacMillan Publishing Company, 1990 Farr, Max. Automobile Industry. Hoovers Online. Online. Internet. February 2000 There is no industry to a greater extent present in the world-wide community than the automobile industry. The automobile has changed the lives, culture, and economy of the people and nations that manufacture and demand them. Ever since the late 1800s when the first modern car was invented by Benz and Daimler in Germany, the industry has grown into a billion dollar industry affecting so many aspects of our lives. There are more than 400 trillion passenger cars alone on the roads today. During the early part of the twentieth century, the United States was home to more than 90 percent of the worlds automotive industry, but has shrunk to rough 20 percent in todays world. This drastic change has occurred by the booming economies in such nations as Japan, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, and different nations. The US auto industry sales totaled $205 billion, or 3.3 percent of the total Gross Domestic Product. (Tardiff 394) By the end of 19th century, there were about 500 auto manufacturers, but that number dropped sharply to 23 by 1917, and today the macro Three dominate the market. Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler make up the Big Three which account for 23 percent of the worlds motor vehicle production in 1997, with the Japanese industries coming in second, producing 21 percent. Germany produces 9 percent, Spain, France, South Korea, and Canada each produce 5 percent of the international market in 1997. In the US alone, the auto industry, which includes its 500,000 car-related businesses, create 12 one million million million jobs. The automobile is clearly an oligopoly, but each companys control of the market has gradually diminished because of rising foreign competition. The US has three main(prenominal) auto manufacturers, Japan has five major producers as does Germany. Each of these companies produce differentiated versions of the same product, have control over their products prices, and rely heavily on non-price competition. Each company produces a new line of cars for each model annually.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Website Analysis Essay -- Computers Internet Essays
Website AnalysisSometimes it seems like the computer secret plan industry is dying, crushed to death by its own bulk. Every course more and more gaming companies get gobbled up into coarse conglomerates like Electronic Arts, companies that mostly put out trash that is technic ally and visually impressive, nevertheless devoid of concept and content. However, there are some small gaming companies that buck the trend. While mostly just small groups of programmers and artists, some are huge unions of fans who, irritated with the dropping quality of computer gages, have decided to use the power of the internet to get together and to produce games tailor-made to their personal preferences. For the saki of comparison, Electronic Arts website (http// was examined. Like many company websites, it is very pretty, with pictures of the games everywhere. The dark backgrounds and light text are easy on the eyes, and the site is well organized. Tabs on the remaining let the vi ewer select the desired gaming platform pull-down menus and a search bar on the top allow for easy access to the game titles. Each gaming title has a sub-webpage which provides a vignette of the game a short synopsis, pictures of game play, system requirements, a link to the official webpage of the game (which usually has a separate layout and more diverse tuition, along with reviews, etc), and of course a Buy Now link.The EA Games website does a very grievous job of providing information about its products to someone who knows nothing of its games, giving enough of a description to pique the viewers interests it is primarily in place for advertisement, and would not make a good nexus for a fan community of its games-- it provides no forums, lists of clan matches ... ...his broadband connection to play multiplayer games over the internet (and therefore has the bandwidth to spare to load a site with many large, connection-clogging features), the games produced by Moonpod and Hero6 are older in style, and therefore appeal more to gamers who prefer traditional, offline games, games best enjoyed in single-player mode. Traditional gamers dont need a fast connection for the sort of games they play, and may be more likely to use the cheaper 56K dialup. They cant be bothered to go to a website that would back out the better part of an hour to load, so Moonpod and Hero6 program their pages accordingly.Depending on what one was looking for, I could confidently recommend any one of these sites, or all of them. All are well done, and I know that I for one am the target audience of all three, as I play games displayed on each of the websites.
Social Contradictions in Fyodor Dostoyevskys Notes from the Underground :: Notes from the Underground Essays
Social Contradictions in Fyodor Dostoyevskys Notes from the Underground Notes from the Underground, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a truly curious novel. Dostoyevskys novels probe the cause of human action. They questioned conventional wisdom of what drove humans and offered insight into the inner workings and torments of the human soul. In Notes from Underground, Dostoyevsky relates the viewpoints and doings of a real peculiar man. The man is peculiar because of his lack of self-respect, his sadistic and masochistic tendencies, and his horrible delight in inflicting emotional pain on himself and others. Almost instantly the reviewer is forced to hatred this man. He has no redeeming values, all of his insights into human nature are ghastly, and once he begins the narrative of his life, the endorser begins to actively hate and pity him. The reader is forced to ask why Dostoyevsky would bother writing about this troubling man and his problems. The answer is that Dostoyevsky does non b elieve in the norms hunting lodge sets for people. This man is the absolute opposite of all(prenominal)thing society holds to be acceptable. Here is a man, with intelligent insight, lucid perception, who is a self-admitted to be sick, depraved, and hateful. A man who at every turn is determined to thwart every chance fate offers him to be happy and content. A man who actively seeks to punish and humiliate himself. Dostoyevsky is showing the reader that man is not governed by values which society holds to be all important. The point of Notes from Underground more than anything else is that humans actions cannot be calculated. Dostoyevsky implies that in society everyone acts in their own self-interest. They act to gain advantages which are in their own self-interest. He asks the reader to take that as a given. Society sees happiness, freedom, prosperity, etc. as perspicuous advantages. These things should be in ones self-interest, society says. If someone say, rapes another perso n, they are not acting in their own self interest. They are running the risk of legal opinion guilty, guilt is not conducive to happiness. They run the risk of being thrown into jail. Jail is not a place where one can be well-to-do or free. Therefore going to jail or feeling guilty are not in ones self interest, according to societys values. A person who conforms to these values, logically, would not rape anyone.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Rhetoric in William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Julius Caesar Essays -- Rhetoric, Ju
Cassius, Brutus, and Antony use rhetoric successfully in William Shakespeares Julius Caesar, albeit separately dissimilarly and for different causes. Each of these men uses his skills in rhetoric to convert each other and at some points the entire population of Rome to follow his beliefs. However, each of these men has different motivations to do so, as well as different characteristics and general worldviews. Cassius uses rhetoric successfully to persuade Brutus to come over to his causekilling Julius Caesar. Cassius is a sharp minded politician whose motivations are personal and non always in the interest of the state of Rome. He uses rhetoric as his means of convincing others to help him reach his cause and goal. Cassius uses many tactics to convince Brutus, one of which is underscoring his connection and close friendship with Brutus and trying to make Brutus guilty by implying that he is not maintaining his end of the friendship well enough Brutus, you permit too stubborn and too strange a hand / Over your friend that loves you (I.ii.39-40). Cassius then moves on to flattery in his persuasion I bring on heardWhere many of the best respect in Rome(Except immortal Caesar), speaking of BrutusHave wished that noble Brutus had his eyes. (I.ii.65-70)Moving on from flattery, Cassius attempts to make Brutus feel damage and in need of help And since you cannot see yourself / So well as by reflection, I, your glass / go away modestly discover to yourself / That of yourself which you yet know not of (I.ii.75-78). Here, Cassius paints himself as able to help Brutus with these flaws. Finally, Cassius exploits Brutus one mention of fear so that Brutus will choose to act on this fear Brutus I do fear, the flock choose Cae... ...en, and lovers (III.ii.13-14) and appearing superior to and more wise than the plebeians who are his fellow citizens rather than his friends, Antony instead makes it clear that these people are above all his friends by dint of his actions , such as standing at their physical level, and his words, such as the opening line of his speech. All three of these men attempt to persuade people, further they each do this uniquely. Although each Cassius, Brutus, and Antony use rhetoric in different ways in William Shakespeares Julius Caesar, each of these men, who hold different characters and worldviews, use their skills in rhetoric to convince others to support them and their ideas at some time in the play. This is a powerful example of the fact that in Julius Caesar the power of rhetoric is stronger than the will of humans. Works CitedJulius Caesar by William Shakespeare
Sunday, May 26, 2019
My Favorite Show Essay
I have many favorite fancys one of my favorite would have to be Prison Break. thither are so many moderatenesss why its my favorite. My main reason is the p smoke of the story/ award. Two br separates who broke out of jail with a assembly of other prisoners. Another reason is the suspense of the show. Its literally impossible to guess whats red to happen next. My last reason is probably dear me but the little messages the show gives here and there. Messages in the sense of what it shows for what a real friendship should look like.The plot of the show is two brothers of which the young one, Michael Scofield, gets himself impel in jail to break his older brother, Lincoln Burrows, out who is sentenced to death for a crime he didnt commit. With just that happening in the show its amazing. People escaping you stinker see happening, but getting thrown in jail to break someone else out is interesting. Also what got my attention is how Michael intend the escape. Besides being a geniu s, he tattooed the prisons blueprints and needed information on how to stay out on his body.There was never a boring episode, since mean solar day one in prison the escape started he just needed to get the people necessary to escape from the prison like the goofball with the money, the guy with the transportation, and finally he needed his cell mate to agree. Finally, the relationship between both of the brothers. It isnt your typical love story between brothers. They werent in each others life after they turned 18. And for Michael to break Lincoln out even after they lost touch of each other and Michael never showed any understanding of why Lincoln is a bum. Its interesting that he still risked his entire career and life for this escape.Another reason is the suspense of the show, and how true it is to its category. You can never guess whats going to happen next, for example, the first season starts off right, everything is going as planned and and then the first attempt to escap e isnt what everyone expects when the escape fails.After that episode, I was completely hooked on it. I also liked that Michael kept component of the plans to himself he never revealed his complete plan to anyone, keeping the audience in complete suspense as in how is he going to pull it off. Also, its very emotional not in your typical love story between both characters but in every relationship within the characters. I think its very popular with other shows that its just two characters and forget about the others. The show was very true to its point/plot.Finally, my individualised reason to loving the show is the little messages/quotes they sent throughout the series. The friendship between Michael and his cellmate, Sucre. It was as if they were the brothers, very close, always had each other back. They had their differences but sometimes people have to realize that therere more important things when time is limited. The relationship with the brothers was very different and adm irable.I appreciated that a lot and I can honestly say it made the relationship with my brother and me a lot closer and stronger. Michael and Lincoln arent really brothers even though they find out at the end Michael never stopped his plan and that was inspiring because it showed that nothing was going to separate them nothing was going to stop them from being free.My favorite quote from the show is you cant go back and have new beginnings, but you can start forthwith and have a happy ending. I find so much meaning into this quote. You obviously cant start a new beginning, but you can always change the end if its going terrible. When Michael told Lincoln this I was convinced that Michael truly loved Lincoln even though they were really brothers. I understood even though we werent born brothers, were dying brothers.In conclusion, I became obsessed with Prison Break. The show was so creative and surprisingly written. The cast in my opinion did an amazing job they were so believable. The suspemse of the show was good and was smart they never revealed the entire plan. Then theres the messages the show throws out. You have to stay true to your own. Family is family at the end.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Dumping in our Waters Essay
Water is probably one of the most important resources we have. People can survive without sustenance for several weeks but without pissing we couldnt live for to a greater extent than a week. Millions of liters of water are needed e genuinely day worldwide for washing, irrigating crops, and cooling industrial processes, not to mention leisure industries such as swimming pools and water sports centers. (Internet Source) Despite our dependence on water, we use it as dumping ground for each sorts of waste, and do very little to protect the water supplies we have.There are several threats to our water resources. Oil throw aways kills thousands of seabirds and can wreck water desalination plants and industrial plants drawing their water from affected coastline. (EBSCO compact disc read-only memory source) Poor management of existing water resource can lead to these resources running out or at least shrinking. Much of the contaminant in the rivers and seas arranges from chemicals, ma inly from agriculture. An other(a) contamination issue, which is not brought up often, is thermal pollution. As you can see we have umpteen problems in our waters and we need to protect the waters.In the long run water pollution is termination to harm us more than we now it, because a little bit of our nautical is poop outing and sometime in the future its going to kills us. The thing thats worries me the most is the animals. The animals in the ocean are dieing everyday in the ocean because of the bad pollution we have right now. Every year millions of animals dies because of the water pollution we have and 65% of the sea animals die because of the pollution. (Internet source) Companies, industries and populate litter in our waters and for sure that is not a good thing. We need to learn that we are not going to live very long if we keep doing this.Every year it has gotten worse, the water pollution has gone about 3% every year and that a whole lot more litter and killing that we do. (Internet source) People like us cause water pollution. Dumping our trash into the ocean is one thing that causes this problem. Another is an oil tank ship spilling oil in the ocean or not recycling our trash is solidly destroying the waters even more. The effect by all this water pollution is killing the waters but also a big part is killing our animals. Sea animals are very important to our lives.One of the main problems is the oils spill we have every year. People call this oil slicks a common name for oil spills. One of the hugest media surrounding oil spills was Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War. (Internet Source) He cause many oil spills during the war and that serious killed many of the animals in the ocean. Although measures have been taken to prevent spillage from oil tankers, there exit still be accidents as the world use oil, and there is always the possibility of oil being spilled in war or by terrorist activity. (EBSCO CD-ROM source) Oil also gets into the sea f rom many other sources.On a graph 37% of oil pollution comes from industrial discharges and urban run-off. 33% from watercraft operation, 12% on tanker accidents, 9% on atmosphere, 7% on natural sources, and last 2% from exploration production. (Internet source) Oil pollution is a major(ip) problem in water pollution and there is really no simple solution to this problem but what we can do is try to prevent, come up with ideas to stop the pollution and protect our waters.For many years has been used as coolant in attention, especially in power stations. It was neer though of as a problem back in the day, because nothing was actually added to the water. However, higher temperatures can cause enzymes and microbes to speed up, and can eventually kill sea animals. convince in temperature can cause fish to migrate to regions where the water is best for them, but kill any species, which cannot move away. (Internet Source) Recently people have complete that only small changes in tempera ture are need to have considerable environment impact. One possible solution is to use the excess heat from industry to heat home. (Internet Source) In the book Water is everyones business it says this might sound very attractive but it is only practical when the homes are more or less close to the power station, and even promise cheap heating is not enough to persuade many people to live next door to a power station. (Behrman A.S. 121)This subject brings me up to my next one, which is a world without trout. If water temperatures keep rising such possibly thing might happen. Unless something is don trout and pinkish-orange will be eventually killed because of thermal pollution. The primary cause of this warming water trend and cold water fishery decline is by carbon paper dioxide. Although transportation produces whopping amounts of atmospheric pollution, fossil fueled power plants alonegenerate 40% of the carbon dioxide in our air. Ways to prevent this is to find other sources t o light up our houses. Now a days companies and industries have found other resources and it has been helping a little bit at a time. stopping point of all Drugs in the waters has cause many problems as well. Most drugs are in local streams, rivers, and perhaps even farms, as sewage bio solids used as fertilizer. Most drugs that are not used or have been used are being trashed in our oceans. Now what kind of people does that? This is serious is harming the waters, animals, and even us. Chemicals that come from drugs float around in the water and you dont even now about this. How does that make you feel because, many people have gotten sick of this pollution and even died. If people have gotten sick of this it takes a while before it kicks in but for sure you get a good dose of sickness.This serious is a big problem that we can easily prevent. Its so simple just dont trash the waters with the drugs, anywhere than the waters that we so need. This student from West Torrance high school sponsored a poll asking the students whether they think water pollution wills damage our ocean in the long run? 96% of the students think it would. The other question was do you think we should take care of the ocean more because of all the pollution? 87% of the students said yes and 13% said no. (Poll) This poll shows you that we should take care of our waters and think about what pollution is going to do to us in the long run.In conclusion all these problems that we have in the world should try to be prevented or stopped. We all can be a part of this by not littering because you really dont now where that trash is going. Most of it goes to the ocean and it kills the waters. Slowly and slowly the waters are going to be destroyed and we really need it. Water is probably the most important that we need to live. Without water we would die, animals would die and everything would die. This essay should be consider by all of the people because in the long run we are not going to live ve ry long if we still pollute the waters. We need water in many different ways and we cannot live without it. Also the animals that we have should not go through the pain of dieing because we are polluting the waters. They have not make anything tous so we shouldnt do anything to them. Prevent the water pollution in the world as little but as you can because you never now what possibilities it can do.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Frederick Douglass Theme Analysis Essay
There are a number of important themes in The Narrative of the liveness of Frederick Douglass. Themes not only occur frequently throughout The Narrative of the look of Frederick Douglass, but are connected in various ways. Inequality and Christianity in damage of its true values within the institution of Slavery are prominent themes in Douglasss report. Primarily, one of the most prominent themes in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is inequality. Douglass attempts to show how African American slaves are simply human beings like their whites, although there are numerous instances showing how many whites did not accept slaves as human. Frederick Douglass experiences the racial inequities at an early age and states I do not remember to have ever met a slave who could enjoin his birhday.They seldom pass nearer to it than planting-time, harvest-time, cherry-time, spring-time, or f each-time. A want of information concerning my own was a source of unhappiness to me eve n during childhood. The white children could tell their ages. I could not tell why I ought to be deprived of the same privilege (Douglass 13). Including the fact that he did not know the details of his background is an important part of the narrative since it shows an early encounter of inequality, but goes on telling the difference between the white and black children. Descriptions of inequality fill the first half of the book reveal the worth of a slave when Douglass states We were all ranked together at the valuation. Men and women, old and young, married ands single, were ranked with horses, sheep and swine. There were horses and men, cattle and women, pigs and children, all safekeeping the same rank in the scale of being, and were all subjected to the same narrow examination (Douglass 51).Given these points, Douglass wants to appeal to readers pathos revealing the humanity of both him and other slaves. However, another prominent theme in The Narrative of the Life of Frederic k Douglass is Christianity described and functionally differently throughout the text. Based on Douglass thoughts within the text, there are real and false versions of religion and the real form of Christianity are practiced by himself as well as those whites who opposed slavery. The role of religion in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass serves as a symbol as well as narrative functions. The false form of religion, or what Douglass refers to as the hypocritical Christianity of this agriculture (Douglass 95) is practiced by whites, like Mr. Covey, and is a complete disgrace to the true ideals of Christianity. In fact, through his discussions of religion readers gets the sense that slavery and true Christianity are fence forces and one cannot be present while the other exists.Not only is can the existence of the true version Christianity with slavery impossible, but if real Christianity does the accession of slavery completely corrupts it. For these reasons, Douglass j uxtaposes both forms of Christianity to reveal the hypocrisy of the slaveholding South. Given these points, it is not just a religious or traditionally Christian interpretation of the evils of human, but a statement of how ideals can be easily adjusted to fit the current situation. Moreover, Inequality and Christianity are themes exhibited in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. The themes could all be connected due to the effect of inequality and how it affects the practical, social, and spiritual lives of the characters.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Nike Business Essay
Analyse their strategic choices with their options- why they made the choices that they did and recommendations. Has their strategic focus changed? Look for critical success factors, matches and mismatches. Identify each key areas that get down affected Nike. Look at tools of analysis e. g. swot analysis, pestle, value chain, porters 5 forces, shareholder matrix, resource view, 4 ps, BCG matrix. etc and others to come to your answer. Introduction Nike operates within the variances footwear and apparel market.Origin solelyy designing and producing running shoes, their portfolio has broadened to include a wide range of sports and leisure wear. This is all endorsed by top sporting personalities. This environment is fairly stable although terrorism and Sars has affected consumer confidence and supply networks. Mission Statement In its mission mastery Nike expresses that it requires doing business in a responsible way, leading to sustainable financial growth. With the advances in tec hnology, HR practices, the well informed and trained work force, there is precise little left to differentiate musical arrangements.Being seen to go further than the minimum require on social issues faeces attract and retain customers. This green neaten attracts attention to the organisation they are viewed as caring and social responsible (Mullins, L. cc5). A report, on the business practices of Nike through its supply chain accused the organisation of being involved in poor working conditions, violations of outwear rights, low wages and harassment of its workforce. Nike takes these reports seriously. On the basis of the research findings the company has intensified the monitor of its suppliers (Hummels, H and Timmer, D. 004) olden options To build its business with all of its partners based on trust, squadwork, honesty and mutual respect this is expected to be returned, expecting business partners to operate on the same principles. rule Nike does not want to only do what is required by law, but also do what is expected of a leader upcoming Options Review and monitor closer the actions of business partners precept To prevent bad publicity, which toilet damage the organisation everyplacecritical Success component To demonstrate to consumers the elevated value within the organisation to CSR. heighten of Focus TheoristHummels, H and Timmer, D. 2004 agreed that these reports were needed, Although Mullin, L. 2005 stated that it could be just green washing Nikes Function preceding(a) options the company focus on design and development Rationale This reduces long term debt has the benefit of not tying capital up in graft and equipment Future Options Rationale deprecative Success Factor Reduced size of premises therefore reduced costs. Vital to drop innovative employees. Products are viewed as innovative Change of Focus Theorist Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004 agreed that this was a cost effective method of businessProduction Within some(prenominal) of these countries there have been problems with production, distribution and political problems. With the change in relationship in the midst of the USA and Vietnam and China, these are new production venues that Nike could explore. Past options Produce goods in the far-off east Rationale Keeps costs down Future Options Vietnam and China Rationale New trade agreements, present sites are switching manufacturing to electrical goods Critical Success Factor Maintaining current standards, closer working relationships, retaining customer loyalty by guaranteed standard of product Change of FocusA shift to a more managed production Theorist All organisation need to watch changes in political and economical factors in their outsourcing. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004, Shareholder ground substance Surrounding all organisations are stakeholders, all with varied levels of authority, power and interest towards the organisation Mendelow (1991) considered a matrix that classifies the level of po wer and interest a stakeholder has in an organisation. Although once each group of stakeholders is recognised, it cannot be assumed that their level of interest ordain remain the same (Mendelow (1991) cited in Scholes, K. Johnson, J 1997198). Jones (1995) argue that the stakeholder framework is functional for considering business and society issues, because it identifies the sources of a corporations social obligations and its set of stakeholders (Jones (1995) cited in Rowley, T. 199828). Therefore by Nike concentrating on their stakeholders it has placed incorporate Social duty graduate(prenominal) on their agenda. The organisation has to demonstrate transparency in all actions and insurance coverage. This can cause conflict with the shareholders.Common in stakeholder theory is compromises on some(prenominal) sides that can obviously haze over differences this primary characteristic is accepted as contra-distinctiveness from the shareholder value. This was discussed by Friedm an, (1993) that the ultimate purpose of a company should be serving the interests of its shareholders (Friedman, (1993) Value Chain Nikes supply chain provides a clear view of the extent of the global nature of the company. Nikes headquarters are in America however, virtually all of its production takes place outside of the United States.Nikes supply chain upstream begins with the materials used in the production of its products. Many of these materials used in production are available in the locations which the manufacturing takes place, but some specialised materials have to be imported to the manufacturing company. Past options Outsourcing of all production Rationale Reduced costs Future Options Outsource with stronger take Rationale Speed up reporting of any problems in production, the supply chain, the great the distance the slower the reporting of problems Critical Success Factor Reduce problems associated with distance, i. e. uality, consistency and value Change of Focus Al though still outsourcing, they would gain more control over production. Theorist Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004, agreed that Nike can be too far from the site of production Past options Target USA Rationale Demand and growth for footwear in the US was rapid. Future Options Future option is to enter EU markets Rationale To expand into growing markets as US is near saturation. Critical Success Factor organic growth as well as by acquisition, also speck name, goodwill- therefore there is a match is CSF to succeed Change of Focus Maybe have to target marketing in a different wayTheorist When markets are grasp saturation, new markets need to be identified to prevent decline in gross sales. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004, Distribution And Retailers Nike has a strong network of retailers in 200 coutries manhood wide through distributors, licensees and sudsiduaries. Within the USA there are 18000 stores that retail nike products. These are well established channels. Nike made itself heavily qualified on one retailer Footlocker, representing 10% of their revenue. When Footlocker reduced their purchasing form Nike, it created a reduction in turnover in the short term.Organisations that are over dependant on one retailer are open to cash flow problems, if the retailer switches suppliers, reduces purchasing or ceases trading (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004). Past options Although they have numerous retailers, they were heavily dependant on one out let chain Rationale To sell top of the range products Future Options To pull off partnerships deals that allow for the choice of product for the retailer Rationale To prevent sudden withdrawal of products Critical Success Factor Customer being able to rely on source of product. If withdrawn they may find an alternative product Change of FocusCloser working partnerships Theorist Organisations that are over dependant on one retailer are open to cash flow problems, if the retailer switches suppliers, reduces purchasing or ceases trad ing. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004 Nike has a futures, but can also ship overnight when needed. Although the futures method is currently working for Nike, Past options Futures ordering system Rationale a 6 month lead cadence for product orders, always knowing what is needed in production Future Options Rationale Critical Success Factor This is responsive to the market trends, but can also help retailers plan stock. Change of FocusTheorist Any change or threats within the markets could leave them overstocked (Groucutt, J. et al 2004) Sales In addition, consumer sales outside of the United States exceeded sales in the United States in 2003 with only 43% of the companys sales coming from the US In atomic number 63 there are difficulties in entering the market, the single currency and the trade rules make entry difficult for large organisations. Past options Target the US Rationale Growing market, but is now reaching saturation Future Options Target new markets, including e-commerce Rati onale To avoid a reduction in sales Critical Success FactorEntry to the markets, by advertising and targeting the audience. Ensuring accurate and quick picking of the customers order Change of Focus Shift to global marketing, selling world wide from the web targeting Generation Y. Theorist By tailoring marketing to the customer needs Nike has been successful in the past and continues to be today (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004) Nike Branding Past options global provoker Rationale Consumers are willing to pay a premium price for as they imply credibility, high quality and up-to-date global trend. Future Options When companies are bought trade under their name RationaleMoving into a new market with a brand that is already global you can reduce cost of introductory and follow-up marketing programs. Critical Success Factor Ensures customer loyalty and to widen portfolio Change of Focus Concentrating on core products as Nike, allowing growth in new diverse markets Theorist significant scal es of economy are achieved Aaker 2000, this is in terms of brand development, packaging and manufacturing Marketing Sports personalities have endorsed the Nike product, although with numerous different sports and countries targeted this has been costly. The amount each personality has received is considered high.This forces the competitors to market their products in the same way. Trends within the industry have increased the number of female consumers. With advertising Nike has targeted segments of the market, this costly. Nike should review their advertising policies (Groucutt, J. et al 2004). Past options Sports personalities have endorsed the Nike product, although with numerous different sports and countries targeted Rationale To target all types of sport by choosing personalities which are at the top of their sports. Future Options To chose personalities that appeal to a wider audience Rationale To reduce advertising costsCritical Success Factor Change of Focus Theorist Groucu tt, J. et al 2004 4ps The athletic shoe industry is highly competitive as well as a demanding market where enraged competition, price conscience consumers, and constant changing market trends and fads have all been attributing factors in how a manufacturer responds. Highly focused brand includes Nike, Adidas, and Reebok, they target a precise market. However, there is evidence that a brand will widen its target market as it reaches a greater level of maturity. In the study of Nike, for example, there was a move into new sports areas away from the running heritage.Nikes target audience has moved from more masculine towards female and Generation Y. cost is related to Product, through the characteristics of the brand, its packaging and overall image. People are buying into an ideal, not just the item. Consumers believe that there is a link amongst quality of a product and the price. Consumers question what they are getting for their money. Brand Management, customer awareness and l oyalty, is directly linked to the price, therefore maintenance of the relationship between brand images quality and price have to be consistent (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004). Models Used In AnalysisSwot Analysis This analysis will summarise key issues from the business environment and the strategic capacity of Nike. This can be used to judge future strategic options. Strengths Product Range competency for innovation Distribution expertise Single Brand Stars endorsement Contract manufacturing Large portfolio of products Weaknesses Single Brand Too many stars endorsement Contract manufacturing break up portfolio of products Reliant on retailers Reduction of target market Opportunities New Markets E commerce Research and development Increase product line Product diversification Change target market New manufacturing countriesThreats Competition Fashion Trends Contract manufacturing and copying of product (intellectual property) Consumer lifestyle changes Competition Bad press associ ated with Nike Outlets cancelling orders Sars bray This will consider environmental influences on the organisation, both in the past and with future strategic plans. Political Striking dock workers Political unrest in the production countries Terrorism in the home country Economic Slow down in the economy Reduction in consumer confidence Barriers of entry to the EU Contract manufacturing Socio-cultural Brand conscious consumers Change in buying habits in younger peopleGeneration Y prefers other types of footwear Increase in the female share of the market Corporate social responsibility Technological Speed of change of product Design Ability Speed of News reporting Environmental Re use a shoe Sustainability philosophy Climate impact Legal Threaten action by underage workforce low-down employment record Corporate social responsibility Contract manufacturing and copying of product (intellectual property) Trade agreements Supply Chain Like every large IT undertaking, the team responsi ble for the implementation of Nike Supply Chain (NSC) began with a set of specific, stated goalsEnhancing Nikes ability to respond to changing conditions Reducing inventory and capital investment risk Improving service to meet customer/consumer needs Improving process, information and product quality and Providing an efficient global supply chain with local implementation Porters 5 Forces This model is used to identify the sources of competition, and how to gain advantage over them. Potential Entrants Other sportswear manufacturers expanding their portfolio Cheap copies from the Far East Buyers The buyers of sports footwear have changed in the past decade.There has been and increase in women purchasing the shoes, Generation Y has a different tastes and purchasing methods. Substitutes When required for professional use there is no substitute goods, but as a fashion item there are many other goods that could be purchased. Suppliers Using production facilities in the Far East has giv e Nike economies of scale. Although there are now problems arising from these factories, they are switching to making there own goods, labour and political unrest causes delays in manufacturing and shipping of the goods, Competitive RivalryReebok, offering more choice of shoe, introducing endorsement by sports personalities, sponsoring sporting leagues Adidas have recovered from the problems that plagued them, and have a good product mix, covering a wide range of sports. BCG Matrix Nike is established within its markets, benefiting from economies of scale. This places them in the Cash Cows category on the Matrix. Cash cows market growth has slowed, and the products hold a fairly stable market share. Bibliography Books Aaker, D. (2000) Brand leadership Free Press, New York Doyle, P. (1998) Innovation in marketingButterworth-Heinemann, Oxford Drawbaugh, K. (2001) Brands in the balance meeting the challenges to commercial identity Pearson Education, London Groucutt, J. et al (2004) Mar keting Essential Principals and New realities Kogan & Page, Great Britain Johnson J & Scholes K (1997)(4th Edition)Exploring Corporate Strategy Prentice Hall, Hemmel Hempstead. Johnson, G & Scholes J (2004) (6th Edition) Exploring Corporate Strategy Prentice Hall, Hemmel Hempstead. Mullins, L. (2005) (7th Edition) Management and Organisational Behaviour Prentice Hall, Pearson, Harlow. journalsHummels,H and Timmer, D. (2004) Investors in Need of Social, Ethical, and Environmental Information Journal of art Ethics Jun 2004Vol. 52, Iss. 1 Kaler, J. (2003) Differentiating Stakeholder Theories Journal of Business Ethics Aug 2003. Vol. 46 Rowley, T (1998) A normative justification for stakeholder theory Business and Society. Mar 1998 Welch, J. (1997) Business ethics in theory and practice Diagnostic notes. A prescription for value Journal of Business Ethics, Feb 1997. Vol. 16, Related Nike Resources On Business Teacher Nike campaign Study Nike SWOT Analysis
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
American Fashion
Since the advent of globalization, there has been an eruption of sort trends that break the barriers of garb design like never before. American costume app arel and other foreign products are now able to share and adopt each others ways, giving them unlimited opportunities to constantly stick in in order for them to remain on the top of the business. The latest technologies in any case allow them to mass produce and sell their products with much ease. The develop custodyts in todays fashion industry have allowed it to become one of the biggest economic institutions in the world.But fashion will non have become what it is today without the influences of its past. Therefore it is tho but necessary to discuss American fashions history and the changes it had gone through to become what it is today. American fashion first took shape during the colonial era. Although the garment were noticeably copied from the British, this laid the foundation to what will become the distinct Ame rican style. America saw a different picture during this time. Although trade had already become an e realday activity to them, there was hardly any technology that offered them the assort ment of clothes we have today.Only natural fabrics were available for them at that time and the clothing the people used were usually sewn by the female members of the family. Wool and linen were the most common as they were readily available. Farmers obtained their wool from the sheep they own, and linen which was on a invariable basis used by the more deprived people came from a field crop called Flax plant. Although the soil in America was suitable for growing cotton crops, they were forbid by the British government to grow them.The British had the monopoly over the cotton industry as one of their other colonies- India was the leading producer of cotton. The importation of British cotton to America made it expensive and was only patronized mostly by the rich as they were the only ones who coul d really afford them. Silk which mainly came from mainland China was a prized commodity as it was also uncommon. Wealthy men included silk as well as cotton in their attire as replacements to the regular wool and linen. On ordinary days, men typically wore come outs and tight trousers while women usually wore long sleeved dresses.It is interesting to note that the Americans during this period still did not consider undergarments as part of their wardrobe. During the late 1880s, ramble after wave of immigrants came to the United States as its booming economy presented opportunities to them. The spate of immigrants caused American fashion to get as their influences were no longer limited to the British fashion. The different styles from different countries were now be introduced as well. American fashion became more distinct in the 1920s as the Americans became less conservative.The changing views within the society also gave the women the opportunity to express themselves. They w ere increasingly being part of the work force, they were now allowed to suffrage and they were now also granted the independence to do the activities that they werent usually allowed to do before. To simply put it, the women in the 20s were beginning to dissolution more active roles in the society. Dancing was popular in the 20s so the women wore shorter skirts for these allowed them to swing freely as they moved.The chemise dress and the coat dress were common during this period. Women also sported short hairstyles to suit their cloches- a type of hat which became trendy among women toward the end of the 1920s. The great depression in the late twenties that went on until the early 30s almost brought America to its knees if it was not for their determination to become a World power once more. During this time, buying new clothes was not a priority as the majority of the people barely had enough money to get them through the days. But this did not stop American fashion from evolving .Americas economic breakdown brought about simpler, yet creative designs which were practical and relatively cheaper to make. Gowns with bow ties on the back and fur accessories were popular among women while men wore striped suits with padding and straight pants which was considered the early design of todays business suits. Blazers were also popular among men as they were in England. Americans returned to being conservative in the 50s as they became more and more anti-communism. The Americans wanted to instill to the rest of the world their religious, conservative side.Girls started wearing longer skirts again while men wore jeans and denim jackets on top of plain white shirt like James Dean who happened to be a very popular actor during this time. A new fabric called nylon also found its way in the clothing industry right after World War 2. From being used in parachutes, nylon became the fabric used in womens stockings as well as other apparels. The 60s and the 70s were very sign ificant to the transformation of American fashion, and of course the American nuance as the early days had the urge to free themselves from the current conventions of the society.The new perspective on life brought about by the emerging hipster movement also carried with it a new sense of style. The hippies often sported American-Indian inspired outfits in earth tones. This supported their image as tree-huggers and peace defenders. But other than the hippie fashion, Punk also came into play in the fashion scene. The extreme styles reflected the radical ethos of the youth. The 80s was the period when Americans attempted to fully utilize technology and merged it in their everyday lives. This was the time when the people seemed so eager to turn the stuff from sci-fi movies into reality.Synthesizers became a staple musical instrument as new wave became popular, the designs of the cars became more aerodynamic, and there were also important innovations in video technology which gave w ay to home movies. Spandex outfits in bright neon colors were very natty as their being stretchable matched the athletic lifestyles of the people, not to mention that the material also had the futuristic look to it. Outrageous hairstyles which were big and heavy were also very fashionable during this period.Although bright colors from the past decade were still tolerated, the dawn of the 90s was greatly in contrast to the flamboyant 80s. It was the time when the youth chose a simpler lifestyle. Rubber shoes, T-shirts and jeans were regularly worn by the teenagers. Grunge, a popular musical genre during this period was a huge factor in the 90s fashion scene. Grunge bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam despised the loud costumes rock stars wore on stage and chose to wear simple clothes instead. Their fans followed suit and the new grunge style soon turned out to be very popular and stayed its place all through out the 90s.The simplistic style from the 90s is still carried on today. And n ow that globalization is in full throttle, foreign styles are playing their parts in American fashion. The modern American outfit incorporate the classy designs from fashion hubs like Italy and Paris, and the simplistic style form the 90s that is still carried on today. 2000 onwards saw a subtler approach to fashion, and at the same time offered the people a larger variety of styles to choose from. A certain style is no longer exclusive to a certain place. Trends in fashion are now shared by people all over the globe, may it be in Japan, Italy or America.But even without the technologies we have today, even without the kind of business we have today, it is still inherent in us to share our get on to each other, may it be new devices or clothes. It has occurred since the dawn of civilization and it without a doubt will continue occurring in the present and the future. And now that we are fast becoming more and more of a global community, it is only but certain that the different co ncepts from every culture will influence us in the way we dress, the way we think and the way we do things.No one is really certain of what the future of American fashion is. But it certainly promises a lot of changes. Better fabrics will continue to be developed. Someday we might not need to wash our clothes anymore as microscopic chemicals or robots sewn in our shirts will automatically remove the stains. Nanotechnology is now becoming a big part in our lives, and will most definitely be utilized in the future. And as technology furthers itself, nanotechnology will start finding its way in the clothes of the future. But as for now, we can only view the wonders of what the future will bring us.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
An outline of the history of linguistics Essay
Hindu Tradition o Had its origins in the 1st millennium BC o Stimu youthfuld by changes in Sanskrit o Panini (c. 500 BC) is the best know grammarian o Paninis grammar of Sanskrit covered phonetics and morphology The Greek gunstock o The Greek tradition of linguals developed in response to Homers epics. The Greeks founded the European tradition. o IMPORTANT THEMES IN THE GREEK impost INCLUDE ? The origin of row ? Classification of words ( part of speech) ? The relation between nomenclature and thought ?The relation between two panoramas of word-signs (whether form and meaning be connected by nature or byconvention. 1 o Plato (c. 429-347 BC) distinguished between Nouns and Verbs. He favored nature over convention. o Aristotles (384-322 BC) main contributions to linguistics are as follows He divided words into Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives. He divided the sentence into two parts, SUBJECT and PREDICATE. He classified sexual urge into masculine, feminine, and neutral. He was the first to distinguish between the disparate types of TENSE a verb carries. o Thrax (100 BC) produced the first complete grammar of Greek. He concluded that Greek words ferocious into just eight classes, which we c exclusively the parts of speech.Thraxs description of Greek has become the basis of all well-formed description in Europe until the twentieth century. 2 Roman Tradition o After the Roman conquest of Greece in the mid-2nd century BC, Roman scholars learned of the Greek work, and they began to apply the same synopsis to their own wrangle, Latin. o One of the close influential Roman grammarians is Priscian, who wrote in the 6th century AD. Priscians description of Latin is still what we find in just about school textbooks of Latin today. Arabic Tradition The oldest Arabic grammarian is Abu-Alaswad al-Duali, who established diacritical marks and vowels for Arabic in the mid-600s.o The schools of Basra and Kufa in the late 700s. o From the school of Basra, two repre sentatives laid important foundations for the field Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi authored the first Arabic dictionary and book of Arabic prosody, and his student Sibawayh authored the first book on theories of Arabic grammar. 3 The Port-Royal Grammar o The 17th-century French scholars, known as the Port-Royal Circle, mold together a remarkably original universal grammar of French that is very different from the Priscianic tradition.o The central argument of the Grammar is that grammar issimply mental processes, which are universal therefore grammar is universal. o The Port Royal Grammar had a pedagogical goal as its primary one. However, this goal was not learning a specific quarrel, but rather learning any language. It aims to provide an overview of the grammatical features shared by all languages. o As such(prenominal), it was part of Port Royals overall program of changing language teaching methodology 4 o A TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF THEIR ANALYSIS IS AS FOLLOWS The invisible God created the visible world This sentence is analyzed asGod, who is invisible, created the world, which is visible . Which in turn is decomposed into the tether propositions God is invisible God created the world The world is visible Historical Linguistics o Towards the end of the 18th century, European linguists began to realize that certain languages exhibited positive resemblances. Linguists believed that these languages derive from one single ancestor. o For warning, the English f large(p) often corresponds to a p sound in, among others, Latin and Sanskrit, an important ancient language of India. 5 Franz Bopp Jakob Grimm Rasmus Rask.Were able to show that almost all of the languages of Europe and many languages of Asia were all related. As a result, the interpret of language change and of the prehistories of languages, called HISTORICAL lingualS, became the most important way of studying languages. An example of the kind of systematic correspondence that attracted early a ttention is shown in the following table. English Latin Greek arrive Pater Pater Foot Ped- Pod- For Pro Para Six Sex Hexa Seven Septem Hepta Salt Sal Hal New Novus neos 6 THE MOST SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENT OF THE 19TH CENTURY LINGUISTIC SCHOLARSHIP WAS (1)to establish the principles and methods used in setting up language families, and (2) to develop a universal theory of language change and linguistic relationship. The nineteenth century is called the golden age of philology. This program of historical linguistics continues today. Linguists have succeeded in grouping the 5,000 or so languages of the world into a issuing of language families sharing a common ancestor. The Origins of General Linguistics The modern field of linguistics dates from the beginning of the 19th century. Towards the end of the 19th century, the non-historical study of language structure began to reassert itself.Scholars published important observations about word structure and sound structure in languages. This kind of work we now call usual LINGUISTICS the study of how languages are put together and how they work. 7 Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1013) In the early years of the 20th century, Saussure began lecturing on general linguistics at the University of Geneva. He died without ever publishing his ideas. In 1916, his students collected and edited their lecture notes in a volume with Saussures happen upon on it. Saussure defined Language as a system of distinct signs corresponding to distinct ideas.He insisted that a language system cease be separated from the complexities of speech and studied on its own. Before Saussure, most linguists perceived a language as primarily a collection of objects, such as speech sounds, words and grammatical endings. Saussure argued instead that a language is a structured system of fractions, in which the place of each element is defined chiefly by how it relates to other elements. This approach is called STRUCTURALISM. Words are signs, and in li nguistics we are studying the science of signs semiology. And signs took on a take account depending on words adjacent in use or meaning.English has sheep and mutton but French has only mouton for both uses. Langue (French, meaning language) and parole (meaning speech) are linguistic terms distinguished by Saussure. Langue encompasses the abstract, systematic rules and conventions of a signifying system. 8 Langue involves the principles of language, without which no meaningful utterance, parole, would be possible. unloose refers to the concrete instances of the use of langue. This is the individual, personal phenomenon of language as a series of speech acts made by a linguistic fount.Saussure did not headache himself overly with parole however, the structure of langue is revealed through the study of parole. A further aspect of Saussures work is an emphasis upon two different approaches to the study of language a synchronic approach, in which we focalization on the structure of a language at a particular moment in condemnation (not necessarily the present), and a diachronic approach, in which we look at the development of a language over time. The Prague Circle After the 1st World state of war (1926), a human body of East European linguists congregated in the Czech city of Prague.They developed structuralist ideas. Their primary interest was phonological theory. They also made contributions to syntax. Trubetzkoy (1890-1938) introduced the notion of phoneme and opposition. An example of his digest of phonology is the way the 9 word caught is sound out. This word is pronounced the same in American and Canadian accents. However, in most American accents, caught is pronounced differently from cot, while in Canadian accents caught and cot are pronounced identically. Jakobson (1896 1982) is a pioneer of the structural analysis of language.He developed techniques for the analysis of sound systems in languages (phonology). He apply these techniques to syntax, morphology, and semantics. He distinguished between phonology and phonetics. Jakobson defined semiotics as the general science of signs, which has as its basic learn linguistics, the science of verbal signs. Linguistics provides the model of analyzing language as a structured system that produces meanings. Semiotics attempts to extend this approach to other non-linguistic systems, that is, to every aspect of social experience that can be analyzed as structured systems of signs (e.g. , traffic systems and architecture).10 The Origins of American Linguistics Franz Boas (1858-1942) is an anthropologist and a pioneer of modern anthropology who has been called the father of American Anthropology. Boas worked to demonstrate that differences in human behavior was primarily not moderated by innate biological dispositions, but was largely the result of cultural differences acquired through social learning. In this way Boas introduced culture as the primary concept for describing behavioral differences in behavior between human groups, and as the central analytical concept of anthropology.He studied the dying cultures of Native Americans and realized that good investigation of these cultures required knowledge of their languages. Edward Sapir (1884 -1939) is also an anthropologist. He was Boass most famous student. He studied the ways in which language and culture influence each other, and he was interested in the relation between linguistic differences, and differences in cultural world views (e. g. , whom and who). 11 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897 1941) is Sapirs best-known student. He pursued his teachers interests and produced a number of studies of native American and Canadian languages.He argues that the structure of our language must, to some extent, determine the way we perceive the world. This idea is called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis or The Linguistic relativity theory. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that there are cer tain thoughts of an individual in one language that cannot be understood by those who live in another language. The shot states that the way people think is strongly affected by their native languages. For example, (1) the number and type of the basic color words of a language determine how a subject sees the rainbow (how we see camels).Example (2) the Navaho language of Arizona is rich in words for talking about lines of various shapes and colors. Among the hundred or so words available for this purpose are Adziisgai a group of parallel white lines running off into the distance. 12 (3). Navaho place names are geometrical in nature. For example, a certain striking rock formation in Arizona is called Navaho Tse Ahe ii aha Tse Ahe ii aha means TWO ROCKS STANDING vertically PARALLEL IN A VERTICAL RELATIONSHIP TO EACH OTHER. English speakers see objects resembling other objects..They call these rocks elephants feet. A pioneer of American Structuralism Leonard Bloomfield (1887-1949) i s another linguist who turned American linguistics somewhat away from its anthropological and cultural connections toward a more focused concentration on language structure in its own right. 13 He showed that the techniques of historical linguistics (already applied so successfully to European and Asian languages) could be applied with equal success to native (North) American languages. Bloomfields primary concern was to establish linguistics as a science.But he became best known for his 1933 textbook in which he presented a carefully articulated approach to the structuralist analysis of languages, far more explicit and detailed that Saussures analysis had been ( e. g. , gender in an Algonquian language raspberry and knee= animate, while strawberry and elbow=inanimate). Bloomfield was influenced by behaviorist psychology. He denied the relevance of mind that is , he opposed the mentalism that had characterized the American linguistics of Boas, Sapir, and their students. Chomskys Gen erative Grammar Noam Chomsky is the worlds most influential linguist.Chomsky introduced his generative ideas in a brief 1957 book, Syntactic Structures. 14 What is generative grammar? A generative grammar of a language attempts to give a set of rules that will correctly predict which combinations of words will form grammatical sentences. Generative grammar is a FORMAL grammar. It is explicit about what is compatible with it. Some rules of forming English sentences (phrase-structure rules) 1. S? NP VP 2. NP? Det N 3. N? N 5. VP? V NP Possible noun phrases the little young lady my cat Possible verb phrases hugged her dolly claws the sofaThese rules are designed to stipulate exactly what can and cannot be a sentence of English. For example, the allow things like The little girl hugged her dolly and my cat claws the sofa But they do not allow things like *Little the girl her dolly hugged. 15 1. Colorless verdancy ideas sleep furiously 2. *Furiously sleep ideas green colorless. Sentenc e (1) is perfectly grammatical because we know which category to put each word in the sentence (noun, verb, adjective, adverb). adj adj N V adv Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. We understand how to group these into subject and predicate adj adj N.Colorless green ideas subject V adv sleep furiously. predicate And we know that colorless green ideas are directly related to sleep, connecting the subject and predicate. Because we know how to logically group parts of speech, we know that adv V N adj adj Furiously sleep ideas green colorless. is not a grammatical (ungrammatical/ ill-formed) sentence, simply because we cannot group these same words in a different order at all logically. Chomsky effectively proved that we have a built-in awareness of grammaticality, because we can explain why colorless green ideas sleep furiously isacceptable and furiously sleep ideas green colorless is unacceptable.16 Many of the properties of a generative grammar arise from an innate universal gram mar. Transformational Grammar (TG) TG is a much more powerful kind of Generative Grammar. Chomsky rejected phrase-structure grammar because it is too simple to capture important facts about language (context-free). For example, to convert The police arrested earth-closet into John was arrested by the police A single transformational rule does all of the following playact the police to the end of the sentence. Insert by before the police.Move John to the beginning of the sentence. Insert be before the verb arrested. Add tense-marking to convert be to was. Change the past tense arrested to the participle arrested. 17 Generative grammar shifted the focus of language study from behavior to state of the mind (behaviorism to cognition). The central concern becomes the knowledge of language its nature, origins, and use. The three basic questions that arise, then are these 1. What constitutes knowledge of language? 2. How is knowledge of language acquired? 3. How is knowledge of language put to use?
Monday, May 20, 2019
Language awarenes
The students may use the structure for present habits He uses to drink a lot of coffee. 2. The pronunciation of the positive form and the prohibit form is the same / uSST tall which may cause the students to still publish the negative form with d I didnt apply to watch TV. Possible solutions and exercises 1 . To compare used to for past habits with Present Simple for present habits. Exercise pair work Ask and answer questions well-nigh your lives now and when you were children. The students use clear structures such as What do you do on Sunday I usually/often watch TV. What did you do when you were a child?I used to help may mother in the garden. 2. Fill in the gaps with used to or use to exercise with positive and negative sentences such as When I lived in London .. Drink a lot of tea. He didnt. say a lot when he was a child. LEXICAL SET Lexical set borrow conduce Part of speech verb Meaning borrow something (from someone), (borrowed (apt, up) someone, (lent (apt, up )) fetch someone something boras/, abroad/ /lend/, lent/ lend something to adopt shows that something is (temporarily) taken from another person. Lend shows that something is (temporarily) given to another person.Can I borrow your dictionary for 2 long time? Am I taking your dictionary from you? Yes Am I taking your dictionary forever? nary(prenominal) I am taking it for 2 days only. Can you lend me 100 dollars until the end of the calendar month please? Are you giving some money to me? Yes Are you giving the money forever? no Only until the end of the month. Teaching level and context Pre-intermediate level asking for a favor or help, talking about money topics In the bank, Between friends Anticipated problems 1 . Mistaking lend with borrow Can you borrow me your car? /He borrows me some kooks. 2.Intermediate, talking about problems, self-control topics Are you your experience Master? , The worst day in my life Anticipated problems Some students may think that apply i dioms makes their English more native and use them excessively. They may have difficulties in which context and situation a colloquial language is appropriate. (Headway) Possible solutions and exercises Association of the red as a color of anger bath help students to remember the meaning. Explain the students that at this level they are exposed to colloquial language with deferred payment purposes and they are not expected to use idioms.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Airline Bankruptcy Filings May Be Soon
Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines atomic number 18 expected to file for bankruptcy apology in folk to get ahead of the new bankruptcy law. The new legislature includes a proviso that restricts payouts to executives in the time of bankruptcy protection and calls for quicker reorganization. Both Northwest and Delta failed to cope with rising send away costs and continue to lose money. In fact, Northwests losses got even worse, with second-quarter loss acquittance from $182 million in 2004 to $225 million in 2005. Deltas loss in the second quarter was excuse higher the airline lost $382 million.The new, more restrictive law was probably inspired by delays in the reorganization of some companies. For instance, United has been under bankruptcy protection for two and a half years. During this current the anxiety failed to prepare a reorganization plan and has asked for several extensions of the exclusivity period.I believe this reads two things. First, it is chafed to realiz e that the once booming airline industry has not in time recovered after September 11th attacks. True, an important factor is fuel cost, and this has been rising for a while due to increasing crude oil costs. But I think if the industry had not survived the nasty crisis of the attacks, it would be better prepared to match the rise in fuel cost.Second, it shows the difficult choices the rulers of the nation have to make. Take, for instance, bankruptcy they certainly do not want to leave the airline companies out there in the cold coping with problems on their own. On the contrary, they do not want to encourage management to reserve huge bonuses for themselves at the time of the crisis. And yet companies in trouble take away all the managerial talent they can get and so need to keep their managers. It sometimes scares me to think how careful a government leader needs to be to residuum all these issues in order to stimulate management but also to keep their appetites in check.No Drivers License? No Parking SpaceThe article by Daniel Li focuses on the problems of punishable immigrants residing in one of the apartment complexes in Anaheim, Ca., caused by the decision of the management conjunction to cut across viriditying right to everybody who is unable to produce a drivers license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance.The opponents of the decision say that it is discriminating against illegal immigrants who are residing in Hermosa Village. The management definitely knows that many of the tenants are undocumented and thus have trouble getting a drivers license. These people cannot park in the streets of the low-income neighborhood after its streets became public. Now they cannot park in front of their houses as well.The management company representatives say that they did not mean to discriminate against illegal immigrants. They merely wanted to protect the safety of their tenants and end those who had licenses revoked after they got in trouble on the road. The issue revives the debate the rights of illegal immigrants. Many believe they should be given drivers licenses. On the contrary, others say giving them the right would encourage more illegal immigration.In my view, the management company has to decide for themselves how they position their housing. If they present themselves as cheap property for all kinds of low-income families and singles including illegal immigrants, it is probably absurd to ask people to present the documents they cannot have. Otherwise, they have to declare a war on illegal immigration and start looking for more decent tenants. True, this can be very more than like cutting the branch on which one is sitting.As a management company, they have to show more consideration for the people they cater to and to be more committed to their customers who may not continuously be the most wealthy, well-bred or even law-abiding people in the world. Taking a stand on illegal immigration is a personal choice, but one has to be pity with ones clients.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Financial Analysis of Mitchells & Butlers 2007 Annual Report
Title Page Date 12/12/09 The fol pocket-sizeding report is designed for the purpose of a line of work analysis. I have chosen to analyse Mitchells & Butlers PLC by outgrowthly, looking nearly at the annual report produced by the telephoner over a two grade extremity and secondly, by researching their financial activities further than the annual report explains. I will comp ar and contrast ratios to serving give the reader a better ground of the alliances valueability, liquidity, activity and l everage. Summary In my analysis of Mitchells and Butlers PLC accounts for the eld culminationing 2007 and 2008 I found that the Group has a very complex financial structure.Especially with the occurrence of a financial disaster which ended in the blemish of two forms worth of earnings, which, in turn resulted in the departure of the finance director and calls for further boardroom departures from the disgruntle shareholders. Mitchells & Butlers is a high geared business and the refore a risky investment venture. The familiarity are well positioned in the market for long-term success but the ratios do let down the attractive force of investment by their often time lower percentage of current assets to current liabilities, high gearing and low net profit margins. *Brief Historical Background*Mitchells & Butlers is one of the UKs largest operators of managed establishments with a strong portfolio of brand and unbranded pubs and restaurants with a mass market appeal. Their popular brands include All Bar One, Harvester and coal Inns. Founded in Smethwick Birmingham as a result of the Beerhouse Act of 1830 easing the law on domestic brewing, total heat Mitchells and William Butlers breweries integrated in 1989. The company acquired rival breweries and rapidly expanded and merged with Bass in 1961, emerging as Six Continents before separating into hotel and retail businesses and go Mitchells & Butlers once again. discount of symmetrys on Mitchells & Butler s *(M&B)s Financial Position* Mitchells & Butlers Gross1 profit ratio for both 2008 and 2007 is 25% and 24. 9% respectively. An plus of 0. 1% is satisfactory during these trying times for Mitchells & Butlers PLC. This indicates that run costs account for 75% of the barters revenue. These coarse costs are largely down to M&Bs value and volume strategy. The company feel they are well placed in the troubled economy as they offer long value for money. This strategy makes for a high sales turnover but not a grand mark up on the product.They are everlastingly striving to be as good as possible and have a low paid and low skilled workforce to help invade high operating costs, and gain a competitive advantage. The Group have faced a dissolute year, dealing with the economic downturn in consumer spending and the inevitable even go forth in alcoholic drinkable sales across the sector as a whole. This was not helped by the introduction of the smoking banishment in England and Wal es, following suit from Scotland and Northern Ireland, and costs such as fuel and energy spiralling ever higher.Its no surprise then, when we look at the Net Profit boundary line2 and see that it has decreased by 1. 5% from 10. 9% in 2007 to 9. 4% in 2008. In the midst of a depression this decline is not too alarming. With a Gearing ratio3 of 2. 41 in 2008 and 1. 51 in 2007 there is a high risk involved when investing in this company. From analysing M & Bs debt structure it seems further leveraging of its balance sheet would be difficult given the harsh, current conditions in debt markets. The Groups pension fund deficit creates further problems when trying to attract prospective clubby equity buyers.As you can see it has become a considerably higher geared company in 2008 and this is due to the considerable loss faced by the company in an unexpected change form in the Mitchells & Butlers story. When entering into a keeping venture with company R20, both groups were advised by t he jargon, as part of their loan agreement, to posit out hedges against interest rates and inflation. This investment would prevent Mitchells & Butlers from losing as much money as they would have, had they not taken out the hedges in the instance that the market turned against them.The bank also advised the companies to do this, two weeks prior to the investment being made as the hedges could take some time to execute. The hedges were purchased mid July, by the end of July the trust crunch had kicked in and the bank withdrew its credit approved terms. Both companies were left with hedges in place but no investment to back them against. M & B held onto their hedges until January 2008 hoping for an upturn in the market. By January 2008 it had become apparent that this was not going to happen and M&B disposed of them.Using them would have been very risky, especially since finance director Naffah had already been let go. At the end of last financial year, an prodigious accounting l oss of ? 155m post tax was booked in respect of the hedges. The above settlement of the majority of the hedges results in a further ? 119m post tax exceptional loss which will be taken in the current year, the company said in a statement. Looking equally bleak is M&Bs current ratio4 of 0. 8881 in 2008 and 0. 3911 in 2007.Many believe that businesses must have a current ratio of at least 21 to survive, proving Michells & Butlers as an unorthodox company. Unbelievably it functions with a negative working capital6, this is due mainly to the company keeping impart levels impeccably low and thus giving the acid test a similar result with a quick ratio5 of 0. 7941 in 2008 and 0. 3431 in 2007. Most of the stock is perishable, for example food served in their restaurants. A stock turnover7 of 9. 95 years in 2008 and 9. 75 age in 2007 is quite acceptable in the food and beverage sector.Low stock levels keep the business as liquid as possible. This gives the company some leverage when inc orporated with the debtors8 and the creditors9 turnover which works out in favour of M&Bs debt structure. Debtors, pay-up within an average of 14. 3days. Contrast this with the creditors who give M&B, on average between the years 2007 and 2008, 66. 4 days of credit. Thats nearly five times as long as M&B allow their debtors. Another consideration I worry to highlight concerning the worryingly low current ratio is that for the most part M&Bs non-current assets are made up of property, political platformt and equipment.If the company found themselves with specie incline problems these assets could become non-current assets held for sale to help increase the current ratio. Return on bang-up apply10 is 20. 18% and 19. 7% in 2008 and 2007 respectively. This is essay that M&B is still a profitable company contrary to the problems arising in the last two years and are still gaining market share year on year. A three year plan has been put in place to rectify the hedging mishap. Ordi nary Shareholders will not absorb any dividend pay-outs for the next year three years as well as board members forfeiting their bonuses in a bid to pay off their ? 74m deficit. *How the inclusion of a Cash Flow* helps in the abbreviation of the companys financial position There are several advantages to preparing a gold catamenia statement along with the balance sheet and profit and loss account. The cash flow statement provides information which allows the reader to better understand where cash has come from, where cash has moved to, and why. If a company has no cash it cannot pay wages or bills or suppliers. Employers wont come to work if you fall apartt pay them. Energy companies will cut off their supplies, as could the suppliers if the bills are not paid.If this happens the company may not be able to operate. This is why cash flow statements should be taken disadvantageously by managers and done as often as daily if cash flow is tight. The cash flow statement explains wh ere the cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet come from in greater detail. It takes operating profit and adds back exceptional items, depreciation and amortisation to give us a better understanding of how much cash is to hand, as well increases and decreases in debtors and creditors. In M&Bs cash flow statement we can see that in 2007 M&B acquired ? m worth of Whitbread bar Restaurants and made additional pension contributions of? 40m. In the cash flow statement figures can be compared more(prenominal) easily, they also aide preparation of forecasts. In both years a considerable amount of cash is spent on property, plant and equipment. It may be that these assets have not had time to realise their bounteous potential. We can see that M&B has increased its cash and cash equivalents by ? 12m at the end of 2008 compared to its previous year. Differences between the spread of cash year on year is quite apparent.In 2008 shareholders accepted ? 480m worth of dividends less th an in 2007 as part of M&Bs three year strategy to eliminate hedging debt amounting to around two years worth of earnings. Conclusion At first glance, the ratios I have calculated show the illusion of a company in the midst of a financial crisis. But Mitchells and Butlers are breaking all the rules and coming out with a profit, succeeding where some(prenominal) competitors are failing, due to the down turn in the alcoholic beverage market and consumer spending overall.The hedging losses have no doubt affected a great deal of critical finality making regarding Mitchells and Butlers finances including investment attractiveness, risk taking and dividend payouts. The high amount of non-current assets is due to the extensive property portfolio which helps diffuse the worrying situation of such a low current and quick ratio. This company is constantly expanding and is year on year gaining market share. It adapts appropriately to its ever changing environment, as it keeps up to discover with the economic climate and responds quickly to consumers needs.The value & volume strategy is working well and the brands are becoming very well established in the UK. Debt payment is accounted for in the long term financial plan and the future looks far from dismal. I see a company trying to be as efficient as possible whilst waiting for the storm to pass. Appendix Gross Profit Ratio Gross profit x c Sales (turnover) 2008 477/ 1908 x100 = 25% 2007 472 / 1894 x 100 = 24. 9% Net Profit Margin Ratio Net Profit Before Interest & Tax x100 = Sales / Turnover 2008 179 / 1908 x 100 = 9. 4% 2007 207 / 1894 x 100 = 10. % Gearing Fixed Income forms of Finance equity Fixed Income forms of Finance = Borrowings 2755 + Debentures 33 + preference shares 14 =2802 Equity Capital Share 34 + reserves 2008 2802 1175 = 2. 41 2007 2317 + 47 + 14 = 2378 1576 = 1. 51 Current Ratio Current Assets Current Liabilities 2008 current assets 253 + non-current assets held for sale 114 = 367 367413 = 0. 8881 2007 current assets 303 + non-current assets held for sale 6 = 309 309790 = 0. 3911 Non assets held for sale within the next twelve monthsQuick Ratio / Acid Test Current Assets stock Current Liabilities 2008 367 39 = 328. 328/ 413 = 0. 7941 309 38 = 271 271 / 790 = 0. 3431 on the job(p) Capital Days of Inventory /Stock Turnover Stock at the year end x365 cost of goods sold 2008 39 / 1431 x 365 = 9. 95 days 2007 38 / 1422 x 365 = 9. 75 days Debtors array Period Debtors Turnover x365 Sales 2008 80 / 1908 x 365 = 15. 3 days 2007 69 / 1894 x365 = 13. 3 days an average of 14. 3 days Creditors Payment Period Trade Creditors x365 Cost of Sales 008 276 / 1431 x 365 = 70. 4 days 2007 243 / 1422 x 365 = 62. 4 days An average of 66. 4 days Return on Capital Employed Ratio Profit before interest & tax x 100 Capital employed 2008 179 / 1058 x 100 = 16. 9% 2007 207 / 1202 x 100 = 17. 2% Profit & Losss Account is profit afterwards tax + any interest paid = 127 + 171 Capi tal Employed represents Share Capital =Called up shared out capital and share premium account = 34 + 14 the balance on the profit and loss account + 127 + 171 and any other reserve accounts in the balance sheets + 3 + 697 + 12 = 1058 for 2008
Ethics and brand Essay
Branding is defined in variant ship canal. In the case of engineering, technological and high value harvest-times the pit name plays an important role. Customers are make up to pay premium for a brand due to the intrinsic value and trustfulnessworthiness attached to it. They trust particular brand thats the reason they buy it. In business-to-business buying consumers or professional buyers swear on the strong and positive number of the brand.The products or services these consumers buy have impact on their business and operations. Ethical branding enhances corporate reputation over a period of time, it aids them retaining their consumers and creating long limit and strong relationship with consumers in the present competitive grocery store place. There are several ways companies are operating in the global market. Company like Toyota has different strategies for developed countries and developing countries depending upon consumer sort and market.Consumers in country like E urope are more concerned about environmental amiable and fuel efficient products whereas consumers in developing countries are concerned about mileage and affordability. Toyota is one of the nearly reputed global brands for its estimable practices in every area from recruitment to branding. Consumers pay premium for the preferred brands. commanding brand image like respectable branding testament definitely encourage consumers to buy the product over competitors.It depends on the target consumers and market place where a company is operating whether or not, consumer will be ready to pay more for ethical brands. Different technological products and services like software, run Systems and E-commerce activities like banking and finance, high Technology products like pharmacy, biotechnology products consumers rely on the reputation and brand image for their buying lasts. The products where the consumer has low level of knowledge and high level of requirements consumer will probab ly take decision in favor of ethical and more reputed brand over the other.A strong and positive brand image helps organisations to not only be on the top of the mind of consumers but also collapse to the long-term success of the product. This is the reason companies like Cola and Pepsi use advertising strategies to gain maximum of market share. Some companies adopt practice like they communicate themselves to be an ethical brand rather than adopting ethical practices. This limits realty of ethical branding. However, regulatory bodies, active consumer groups and other organizations keep an eye on such companies and their practices and check over the matters.Active consumer groups put pressure on the corporate to adopt ethical practices. Companies become more accountable for their acts with their ethical branding efforts. Consumers worldwide are being more sensitive about ethical practices espouse by companies and the numbers of consumers ready to pay premium for the ethical brand s are growing. This phenomenon is encouraging professionals and engineers to adopt ethical practices and comply with the ethical branding campaign of their companies.Ethical branding is more acceptable in the hearty groups where price sensitivity of the consumers is low. Professional engineers have many opportunities with ethical branding. The intellectual property rights will help them protecting their copyrights and patients, trade marks and trade secrets. They will have better protection for their innovations and will be encouraged to adopt ethical practices that can add value to the branding efforts.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Ampalaya Coffee Essay
This investigatory project aims to urinate and also to make a coffee from the Ampalaya Seeds. We know that Ampalaya or also known as bitingly melon is known for as its bitterness and astringent taste , the bitter melon slew knock against everywhere. This investigatory project encourage us students to make a coffee, as an alternative product . This admit was conducted to determine the feasibility of the ampalaya seeds as coffee. The researchers employ powdered Ampalaya seeds in this study.After researching and collecting the raw materials, the researchers were competent to begin the experimentation. The coffee was obtained by drying, grinding, and roasting the seeds of ampalaya, and boiled. After boiling, the coffee was manually extracted with the use of a lily-white cloth. The study focuses on producing coffee out of ampalaya seeds. It does not aimed to determine which coffee (ampalaya seeds vs. commercial coffee) has more nutritional value or which is more nutritious. II. Acknowledgement.We would like to thank to the following person that are help us to start and to continuing this our Investigatory Project ,including the following to our ALMIGHTY GOD that help us and shed us strength and knowledge to explain the main idea of this investigatory project . To our parents and also our help who give us supports to finish our Investigatory Project. For our parents that supplies our needs , including the financial needs . THANK YOU Chapter 1 accession In our modern generation , many people in our country used coffee in particular our grandparents and also our parents.Coffee is known as beverage to the majority of the people. It is known for its stimulating effect on the functions of the brain , thus making the drinker active . Variants of coffee flavors were already produced all throughout the arena aiming for the discovery of alternative sources of coffee production . The coffee from ampalaya seeds help us to earn and save silver . A. Background of the study Coffee alternatives have been famous since the last two decades due to economic crisis and experimentations for wellness and medical benefits.Any seeds that are edible when powdered jackpot be used as an alternative source for coffee. The difference of the generic coffee from the seeds of the coffee plant from those of the alternatives is that it has a good amount of caffein content. The similarity you can find in the alternatives and those of the original is that seeds contain carbohydrates which cause the aroma in roasted coffee. Ampalaya, on the other hand, is a crawling vine that grows mostly on tropical countries like the Philippines. It is said to be rich in iron, potassium, beta-carotene and other nutrients.It is also famous in treating diabetes because of its properties like polypeptide-P a plant insulin that can lower blood sugar levels. Many researches on agricultural food chemistry convey that it provides nutritionally significant amounts of nutrients, minera ls and amino acids that are needed for life. B. Objectives of the study B1. General Objectives 1. To determine if the ampalaya seeds have considerable characteristics of the products in terms of color, aroma, taste, and acidity. B2. Specific Objectives 1. To produce coffee development ampalaya seeds as the main ingredient.2. To determine and compare the levels of acceptableness of the coffee samples. C. Hypotheses NULL 1. There is no significant difference among the different ampalaya coffee samples developed in terms of their color, aroma, and taste. ALTERNATIVE 1. There is no significant difference among the different ampalaya coffee samples developed in terms of their acceptability. D. Significance of the study Momordica Charantia or ampalaya seeds contain iron and folic acid which are prerequisite for the production of the red blood cells and the formulation of hemoglobin and myoglobin.Coffee is usually drunk hot, black or with cream and sugar and also drunk cold as iced coff ee, specially summer. People are used of drinking coffee every morning to warmth their body and at night to avoid world sleepy. But coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine. The result of this will determine if the coffee made from ampalaya seeds can be use as a substitute for the commercial coffee. This study aimed to produce coffee using ampalaya seeds as substitute. The study was important because ampalaya is abundant in the Philippines. The product may be an anti-diabetes coffee tho it is not the main concern of the study.Everybody can benefit of the result of the study unless a coffee drinker. It would reuse the ampalaya seeds instead of being thrown away which a lot of people consider it as waste. E. cathode-ray oscilloscope and limitation The proposed study was limited to producing coffee out of ampalaya (Momordica charantia Linn. ) seeds. Three samples were prepared with different ampalaya seed parsimoniousness and same amount of water for comparison purposes in which one of the samples was pure commercial coffee. The samples were processed by the basic methods of making coffee roasting, grinding, and brewing.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF ADOPTING A GERMAN SOFTWARE FRANCHISE IN BULGARIA A case believe of ALLSAT - Dissertation ExampleCHAPTER III - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Philosophy Research school of thought is the trust concerning the approach to collect, analyse and use data for a particular subject of concern (H. J. Rubin and I. S. Rubin, 2012 Abbott, 2010 Blaxter, Hughe and Tight, 2006). There be two major question philosophies namely positivism and interpretivism. Positivism philosophy is regarded as the philosophy of research preferring scientific methods of research. On the other hand interpretivism is considered as anti-positivism and hence they do not believe in scientific research. According to Tobin and Joseph (2006) and Mukherji and Albon, 2009 Ashwin, 2011) the researchers believing in the philosophy of positivism also believes that the reality in which everything exists is changeless in nature and it can be articulated from an objective point of view (Guba and Lincoln, 2005 City University of Hong Kong, 2011). A researcher believing in positivism philosophy believes that it is sensible to collecting statistical information and hence considers quantitative methodology. On the other hand, according to Hinkel (2005) a researcher who believes in interpretivism philosophy or phenomenological philosophy deems that the behaviour of the human being is the outcome of their perception about the circumstances (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009 Wimmer & Dominick, 2011). Interpretivism encompasses a number of particular proposition and focused movements which facilitates a detailed study since the collection of data moves beyond the predetermined categories that are gravel in deductive research approach (Cooper, 2012, p. 17). For this method of research a strong insight and probable to reflection is necessary for curving out important patterns of information from a body of observations (Babbie, 2010, p. 51). An interpretivist tries to gain in-depth insig hts description and perception about the people and how they see the world around us. They believe that instead of collecting statistical information about the subject of concern, it is judicious to collect in-depth views of the participants. As a result of that, researchers who believe in interpretivism philosophy consider qualitative research to address the area of concern. This study is aimed to evaluate the impact of adopting a German software franchise in Bulgaria and thus it requires collection of qualitative data, hence interpretivism philosophy is provide for the study. Research Approach Generally two methods are used for conducting the research and establish the reasoning prat why such approach of research has been adopted. These two approaches of research are the inductive approach and the deductive approach. These two research paradigms follow two different approaches towards research and several researchers have discussed these approaches in promiscuous of different perspectives (Hussey and Hussey, 1997 Bryman and Bell, 2007 Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2010 Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). Deductive Research Deductive research refers to an approach to research in which the researcher chooses a theoretical assumption to test it through the process of research and establish its validity. The researcher begins her task by studying the theory. Then she generates a hypothesis
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